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GSR Geotester Penetrometer

  • GSR Geotester Penetrometer

    GSR Geotester Penetrometer PECL24565

    Applications include:
    - Checking failure or slide areas
    - Checking degree of solid compaction
    - Evaluating chemical solidification of soils
    - Checking soil strata to determine pile lengths
    - Classifying soils at boring or construction sites
    - Correlating field and laboratory compaction studies
    - Correlating unconfined compressive strengths of soils
    - Analysing consistency of soils for agricultural purposes
    - Verifying classification of boring samples in the laboratory
    - Provides unconfined compressive strength estimates in tsf or kg/cm²
    - 5 interchangeable inserts with diameters of 6.4mm, 10mm, 15mm,
      20mm and 25mm
    - Tests a wide range of cohesive soils
    - Non-corrosive
    - User-calibrated dial


    $632.50 (AUD inc GST)