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Humboldt Pocket Penetrometer

  • Humboldt Pocket Penetrometer

    Humboldt Pocket Penetrometer

    Pocket Soil Penetrometer
    For use by field personnel to check visual classification of soils.

    Verifies whether excavation side walls require shoring, based on OSHA cohesive soils classifications. Indicates consistency, shear strength, and approximate unconfined shear strength. Direct-reading scale—in tons/sq ft, or kg/sq cm—corresponds to equivalent unconfined compressive strength. Range: 0 to 4.5 tons. High quality construction. Includes belt-loop style carrying case and operating instructions. Should not replace laboratory testing or field analysis, or be used to produce foundation design data.

    Includes belt loop style Carrying Pouch Ssssssghluig

    Hexagonally shaped to stop it rolling away
    Direct reading in tons/ft2 and kg/cm2
    Dimensions: 200 mm & 16mm
    Adapter foot is recommended when testing extremely low strength cohesive soils. 25mm dia. foot, compared to the 6.35mm penetrometer piston, increases the effective area measured by 16 times. Divide by 16 to obtain correct unconfined compressive strength when the reading in tons per square foot or kilograms per square centimeter is on the low-load side
    Adapter Foot not sold separately 
    Humboldt Pocket Penetrometer
    $352.00 (AUD inc GST)
    Humboldt Pocket Penetrometer & Adapter Foot
    $462.00 (AUD inc GST)
    Out of stock