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Richter Depth Gauges with Electronic Indicator

  • Richter Depth Gauges with Electronic Indicator
    Featured Product

    Richter Depth Gauges with Electronic Indicator

    Richter Depth Gauges with Electronic Indicator

    Richter Depth Gauge with Electronic Water level Indicator. 
    Quality German made product
    - For measuring water levels in bores or wells, also
      under noisy conditions.
    - When the Probe touches the water level a light beam
      on the winding device.
    - The rugged construction includes a number of innovative
      features to ensure the accuracy and long life of the unit.
    - Flat lying measuring tape with a core of spring steel and
      2 copper wires coated with nylon.
    - Only water can set off the light.
    Supplied with Metal carry case  


    Please click here to Download a Richter DG Info page

    Richter 50m Depth Gauge with Electronic Indicator
    $973.00 (AUD inc GST)
    Richter 100m Depth Gauge with Electronic Indicator
    $1,457.00 (AUD inc GST)
    Richter 200m Depth Gauge with Electronic Indicator
    $2,379.00 (AUD inc GST)