Digi-Pas is a registered trademark of DIGIPAS USA LLC.
The company focuses in design and distributing world-leading advanced intelligent inclinometers, scientific levelling and angular measuring instruments providing a full range of digital level, 2-aixs precision electronic tilt angles, surface flatness and 2D alignment-diagnostic instruments specifically developed for professionals, specialists, tradesmen & DIY users.
DIGIPAS USA LLC is affiliated with Ventura group having a history of over 20 years. The group has offices located in Japan, UK, Germany and Singapore. This group is led by Dr Jim Li who graduated with a PhD from Cambridge University, UK and holds over 30 registered patents in the field of advanced technology deployment to electronic devices and manufacturing processes. His team comprises highly specialized professionals focusing on the development of core capabilities within the niched domain expertise of MEMS-driven precision digital levelling, 2D angular measurement and intelligent proximity access-gaining security technologies.
Ventura group specializes in research, development, design and manufacture of High Performance, Quality yet affordable digital levels and smart inclinometers to replace the use of traditional spirit 'bubble' levels and conventional single-axis inclinometers. These industrial and scientific-grade instruments are built with advanced 2-Axis & 3-Axis Super-MEMS Technology, and precisely compensated for nonlinearity and temperature variation to effectively withstand stringent operating environments.
The superiority of high-precision 2-axis MEMS Sensor compounded with digital embedded technologies offer 2-dimentional (planar) tilt-angle and levelling measurements with graphic-animated Smart 2D Bubble bull's eye, wireless and remote real-time logging unique capabilities. Essentially, these radically differentiated features transform into Precise, Accurate, Fast, & Reliable levelling, wide-range angle measurement/tracking / monitoring (0° ~ 360°) at resolutions of 0.1°, 0.05°, 0.01°, 0.001°, & 0.0002° (5µm/M or 1 acr sec) as well as having small footprint and high shock/impact resistant (6,000g). These radically unique functions offer unparalleled performance and benefits to field engineers, application designers and scientists unmatched by any traditional spirit 'bubble' levels or conventional single-axis pendulum-based inclinometers.