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Freiberger Geologist’s Compass with mirror

Even in the era of GPS, the orientation with topographic map, compass and altimeter is still significant for defining one’s position as well as for the geologist survey of the environment.
Therefore, the Freiberger Compasses offer the Geologist’s and Mirror Compasses in different models for a wide field of applications.
September the 2nd 1771 : Gottlieb Friedrich Schubert is appointed “Bergmechanikus” (Mining Master Mechanic) by Elector's decree. He establishes an independent business for the production of mining and metallurgy instruments.

Classic geological compasses

In general, geological compasses that are not just for practical usage for direction finding and navigation (especially in remote areas), also have the ability to measure strike and dip of bedding surfaces and/or metamorphic foliation planes. Structural geologists (i.e., those concerned with geometry and the pattern of relative movement) also have a need to measure the plunge and plunge direction of lineation’s.


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  • The Freiberger Geologist's Compass is an all-metal, German-made geological compass. Compasses imported by GSR Laser tools are balanced for Magnetic Zone 5 - Australia. Geological Compass with Mirror, Engraved Circle & Inclinometer.
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    $1,496.00 (AUD inc GST)
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