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MCE SB300-MR Tunnel Tail Laser

  • MCE  SB300-MR Tunnel Tail Laser

    MCE SB300-MR Tunnel Tail Laser MCESB300MR

    Australian made Alignment Laser

     MCE SB300-MR Medium Range Tunnel & Alignment Tail Laser

     9mm Diameter Tail.
    Fits into the small diameter alignment category of Lasers.
    This simple to use precision calibrated (centralised) alignment laser is used in the mining industry to show a reference point when required. A mounting sleeve is set with quick drying cement in a drilled hole with the SB300-MR Tail Laser mounted and aimed at required reference.


    When the quick drying cement is cured the SB300-MR Tail Laser can be removed. At any future time a SB300-MR Tail Laser can be placed in the brass sleeve and reference point can be found with precision again.

    -Supplied with 2x N size batteries & 1x Brass Tail 
    -Additional Bras Tails can be purchased separately in packs of 5, please call
    Please click here to download a MCE SB300 LR Brochure.
    Any enquiries regarding availability and price please call 08-9409 4058 or email to :